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Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court 2015
Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court 2015

The Last Miles
InstitutionsGovernment Officials, EU Representations,
EU Commission & Parliament Members,
Officials from the European Patent Office
and National/EU member States' IP Offices,
World Intellectual Property Organization,
Judicial, Innovation, Finance Administrations,
Universities and Public R&D Centres,
European Judges: 1st Instance, Appeals, Supreme Courts,
Judges of Specialized National Patent and EPO Jurisdictions,
Commercial Court Judges, Expert Judges, Arbitrators,
European and National/Regional Patent Attorneys,
IP Agents, Barristers and Sollicitors,
C-Level Executives,
Chief IP Officers,
General Counsels,
Directors of IP Litigation,
Heads/members of Patent Departments,
Managers of Patent Administration,
CTOs, Chief R&D Officers,
Business Federations,
IP-related Associations,
Private Equity Funds,
IP Specialized Funds,
Brokers and Advisors,
Strategy & Valuation Consulting Firms,
Audit & Taxation Consultancies,
Charlotte Gindre [email protected] +32 2 627 87 20
Patrice Cros [email protected] +32 2 627 87 20
About Premier Cercle™
Since 2002, Premier Cercle is a strategic conference producer who builds state-of-the-art events. By addressing issues under a political, strategic and technical focus, the events crafted by Premier Cercle offers a 360° overview of each information topics. Researched as a journalist would do for its own in-depth report, Premier Cercle analyses how to market an information product and promote it while taking care of the organisational details.Website: https://premiercercle.com
About European Patent Office (EPO)
The European Patent Office (EPO) offers inventors a uniform application procedure which enables them to seek patent protection in up to 40 European countries. Supervised by the Administrative Council, the Office is the executive arm of the European Patent Organisation. As the Patent Office for Europe, we support innovation, competitiveness and economic growth across Europe through a commitment to high quality and efficient services delivered under the European Patent Convention.Website: https://www.epo.org/index.html
Knowledge partner
HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER is a specialised European intellectual property law boutique created in 2015 when the well-established top tier IP firms Hoyng Monegier and Reimann Osterrieth Köhler Haft (ROKH) decided to join forces. HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER gathers up to 100 passionate IP professionals with offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Madrid, Mannheim (branch office), Munich and Paris.Website: https://www.hoyngrokhmonegier.com/
About Powell Gilbert
Our lawyers have technical backgrounds, and combined with our wealth of experience and practical know-how, it means we grasp issues quickly and without wasting time. We have experience right across the spectrum of IP litigation, gained from acting in cases across a wide range of technologies and industries. This experience ranges from acting in the earliest biotechnology patent cases technically advising on complex telecoms disputes to enforcing trade mark rights against counterfeit goods in the fashion and luxury goods sectors. We have acted in cases involving products as diverse as DNA microarrays, computer software, pharmaceutical blockbusters, petrochemicals, semi-conductors, mobile phones, perfume and razorblades. We have represented clients in the UK Patents Courts, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords) and the European Court of Justice. We have assisted in cases before many overseas courts including in continental Europe, Scandinavia, the US, Australia and Japan. We are frequently involved in European Patent Office opposition proceedings and in representing clients in contentious matters before the UK and European trade mark registries.Website: https://www.powellgilbert.com/home
The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), is the world’s leading International Organization dedicated to the development and improvement of laws for the protection of intellectual property. It is a politically neutral, non-profit organization, based in Switzerland with over 9000 Members representing more than 100 countries.Website: http://aippi.org
FICPI is a non-government organisation of IP attorneys in private practice with over 5,000 members in more than 80 countries and regions. The following summary of FICPI's aims, adopted by its Executive Committee in Hong Kong 1997, says it all: 1 To enhance international cooperation within the profession of IP attorneys in private practice, promote the exchange of information and harmonise and facilitate business relations between members. 2 To maintain the dignity of its members and the standards of the profession of IP attorneys in private practice on an international scale. 3 To express opinion with regard to newly proposed international and national legislation, in so far as it is of general concern to the profession and to defend the interests of its members, in particular with respect to the maintenance and invigoration of the system of IP protection and of the position of IP attorneys in private practice. 4 to promote training and continuing education of its members and others interested in IP protection by organising local and regional ad hoc programmes. Whatever the future developments in the law making process and in the profession itself, with these commitments FICPI will continue to play an important role for the benefit of its members in particular and bring value to IP in a wider sense.Website: https://ficpi.org/
About The Patent Lawyer Magazine
The Patent Lawyer Magazine is an industry leading publication that focuses exclusively on the trademark industry. Published bi-monthly and available both in hard copy format and online, subscribers can also access the most important global news updates via weekly newsletters. The Patent Lawyer Magazine features articles from top patent professionals around the globe, covering topics including the latest patent law developments, litigation cases, prosecution trials, jurisdictional updates, and more. With articles sourced from industry experts - attorneys, barristers, and in-house counsel members - the Patent Lawyer Magazine puts a stop to generic IP information, allowing you to focus your time reading what interests you.Website: https://patentlawyermagazine.com/
About World IP Review
The World IP Review’s bi-monthly edition is dedicated to the needs of professionals involved in the management and protection of IP assets. It informs and educates IP owners and their international legal counsel and consultants of the latest strategies for managing, protecting and profiting from their increasingly valuable intellectual property. Each issue of the World IP Review’s bi-monthly edition will contain unique interviews with some of the most prominent IP owners and in-house counsel. It will use a combination of articles and case studies to showcase business strategies. In addition, it will review case law and IP legislation worldwide.Website: https://www.worldipreview.com/
About BusinessEurope
BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, we speak for all-sized enterprises in 35 European countries whose national business federations are our direct members.Website: https://www.businesseurope.eu/
About ParisBerlin Magazine
ParisBerlin a été fondé en 2004. Il est le seul newsmagazine qui informe tous les deux mois sur l’actualité franco-allemande dans tous les domaines : politique, économie, modes de vie, culture, éducation, médias... ParisBerlin s’adresse à tous ceux qui, de près ou de loin, s’intéressent à l’actualité franco-allemande et européenne.Website: http://parisberlinmag.com/
About Intellectual Property Watch
Intellectual Property Watch, www.ip-watch.org, a non-profit independent news service, reports on the interests and behind-the-scenes dynamics that influence the design and implementation of international intellectual property policies. News stories and features are regularly posted and archived on the Intellectual Property Watch website, mostly open access. Readers can keep up-to-date via email notifications, RSS feed, Facebook or Twitter. Subscribers receive access to restricted content, including latest stories, special reports, People news and other benefits. See the website, www.ip-watch.org, to learn more about subscribing.Website: http://www.ip-watch.org/
Corporate IP | € 550 exVAT |
Corporate IP | Reduced Price Start Date: 15-07-2015 - Reduced Price End Date: 15-07-2015 | € 550 exVAT |
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